

lipsticks maybelline的相關標籤

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100 Shades of NY 💄 Unlimited colors to suit your style. Matte, Shine, Liquid or bullet lipsticks, Maybelline has got you covered! Try your favourite Maybelline products on Watsons Modiface now! *Giveaway* Nak memang the whole bag of lipsticks ? Easy !!Help me list down the types of lipsticks Maybelline ada! Jawapan yang Betul, menang!😬 Ex : Creamy Mattes etc #MAYBELLINEMALAYSIA #100SHADESOFNEWYORK #SPONSORED #AD

100 Shades of NY 💄 Unlimited colors to suit your...

To start the year, Maybelline will be having a 100 shades of New Year contest! You guys can stand a chance to win 100 prizes worth RM100,000! Come join me as I try some of the lipsticks Come and experience the new and improved Maybelline counter at Watsons, Sunway Pyramid Also ! You can now try Maybelline lipsticks via #colorme app on Watson’s app before datang beli hehe. Contest details: 'Maybelline New York 100 shades of NY contest You can now stand a chance to win 100 prizes worth RM100,000! - Grand Prize is a trip to Korea for 2 worth RM10,000 - Spend RM60 on Maybelline products (inclusive 1 lipstick) and then take a photo of your receipt, complete the slogan below "With 100 shades of Maybelline lipsticsk, i can ......" and send your contact details to this number +6018-2165122 - Contest Period: 1 January 2020 - 29 February 2020 #MAYBELLINEMALAYSIA #100SHADESOFNEWYORK #COLOURME #WATSONSMY #SPONSORED #AD

To start the year, Maybelline will be having a 10...